...Until now.
Presenting JUMBO Mi Goreng! This evolution of Mi Goreng has made this bad boy badder than ever. As you can see, the size has increased quite substantially, and it's not just the bag. Inside, you will find that the iconic rectangle of non-cooked noodle goodness which was once seen as a joke in size live up to its "Jumbo" name. My friends, this feller is an actual meal now.

With the increase in noodle volume, you also get larger flavour packets which have (probably) been scientifically measured to achieve maximum happiness. The noodles themselves have slightly changed as they are slightly flatter. Whilst it might not tickle everyone's pickle, I found that it was equally as nice to eat as the original Mi Goreng noodle. I for one, do not enjoy Mi Goreng unless it has been cooked in a pot as I find kettle-cooked Mi Goreng is less satisfying in texture.

I recommend anyone who does not find the normal Mi Goreng filling enough to give this one a try as it will not only taste as good, but it will actually fill your tummy up.

educational and tasty, i like
Mi Goreng, the breakfast of champions!
where to get this jumbo goodness??!
wow! its just like eating 2 packets... but one! GENIUS!! PURE GENIUS!
I think my mum bought it from Honeywell asian grocers, not sure, I'll get back to you.
Ahh good ol' mee goreng. The noodle that unites the world.
I just popped by Honeywell Hiep Hung, and alas, there was no Jumbo Mi Goreng. Which leads me to two conclusions:
1. It sells out freakin fast.
2. It wasn't there.
I'm leaning towards conclusion 1.
yeah havent seen it at honeywell..
it never fills me so i make 2 at once, they just made me the happiest man alive.
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