Thursday, May 10, 2007

V^3 Spiderman 3 review

With the hit Spiderman 3 showing in the cinemas, I thought I'd share my opinions on the movie.

Well, what can I say? Spiderman is an emo. Many of you are probably yelling and hitting your screens in angst. I feel your pain, but it's alright, don't fret. Spiderman is still as badass as ever.

Okay, the words "action" and "emo" probably don't go together too well in most people's minds. And to be honest, I agree. This is where the movie shines. It has been directed in a more comedic manner, which eases the unfathomable fact that Peter Parker; nerd by day, kick-ass mofo by night did in some point of his life, turn emo.

To make something clear, emos aren't that bad. I may disagree with their dress sense, music tastes, their anti-social nature, but yeah, to each his own.

His emo-ness aside, Spiderman's black attire was freaking awesome. By adding a new sleek dimension to his already sleek 2006 look, he somehow became more kick-ass than before.

Talking about black suits, the way Venom was portrayed was somewhat disappointing. Throughout the comics and cartoons, Venom was always stupidly buff, scary looking and 2.5 times the size of spiderman. In the movie however, he was about half the size of spiderman.

The action scenes were intensely awesome. With enough back flips, front flips and side flips, this movie will make even the most avid gymnasts and trapeze artists smile. The amount of explosions and people flying around was also impressive for a 90 minute time-span.

In conclusion, with 23% more web-slinging action, 68% better action scenes and 90% blacker than the previous Spiderman offerings, this movie is bound to please most.

V^3 rates Spiderman 4/5


Anonymous said...

Good shit

peter said...

I"m gonna have to add to this one...
I think that although it was a strange awkward emo adventure, he was more of a "hipster"... swinging through smoky jazz clubs clickin' his fingers.
While this isn't the direction the audience expected them to take the movie, you've gotta agree that that's pretty much exactly how he would act, as a nerd who thinks he's a hotshot.
Other articles argue that they could've made him more vengeful like in the first movie, and they did.


But the suit amplifies his emotions doesn't it? So when he was feeling vengeful, he kicked ass. And you'll remember that the whole hipster scene was brought about by the Mary Jane incident, which explains why he was such a tool.

So to conclude... he's not really that emo, besides the whole hair and possible eyeliner... but surely this has to be a reference to other shows with superhero emos.... (Peter Petrelli anyone?)

Anonymous said...

lmao the name 'peter' and nerd/superhero go together

Mikey said...

This movie was quite entertaining, it could have been more epic, more meaningful, more justified and less merde sur l'écran. However, its worth the watch, even if it's just the flavour of the month (or week).

And i'll just segway to lighter food for thought:
Seems like the association of "Peter" and "emo" tends to be a common one.

peter said...
