Saturday, January 13, 2007

More Money Than Brains

This is old news, but still entertaining. Perth is full of idiots, here is the epitome of such examples.
Take a look at this car, it was parked in South Perth at the pub. So nice... an Italian icon

So naturally the "sik dawg" (read as "moronic") owner of this car thinks he is the bomb (read as "legend") as people admire his car after he leaves the pub. Sitting at the lights, he starts to rev his engine to put on a sound show for the crowd. Light turns green, he floors it as he turns left, thinking his car is so powerful he can do a "drift" while turning... traction control kicks in and BAM! pole 1 - Ferrari 0.

I'm sure "that'll buff right out". Take notice of the pole, it hasn't even tilted and yet, the car has been written off. Ouch...

Due to his prior activities that day, his blood alcohol level was measured at 3 times the legal limit. Sorry sir, no insurance payout for you.

Mug shot.

Said man is escorted to the police station and the day returns to normal... Some people truely have more money than brains.

Thanks to PSB for the news coverage.


Lord Dianabol said...

They say a fool and his money are soon parted. Well, a fool and his car are soon parted too.

How can you drift from standstill???

Typical short-dick syndrome - I mean, c`mon, people already were looking at his car (not the fool mind you, but the car) and he had to get more attention by crashing it.

The poor bastard probably didn't get breastfed and was dropped as a baby.

Anonymous said...

i heard it wasn't even his car.. it was a rental lol.

Anonymous said...

LOL i larf

D said...

Hilarious, but since a Ferrari has it's engine at the back, the front is pretty hollow and isn't exactly very strong as exemplified by the pole haha. Thanks for adding my blog to your links by the side as well.

From Dancing Blue Seal